
Easily view, share, and download your video memories before your original tapes degrade. Older analog formats like VHS and even digital formats like MiniDV tapes won’t last forever. That’s where we can help.

Available Formats

Video Product Delivery Method / Optional Services
Videotape transfer
$9/each 2-hour disc
Flash drive transfer of digital files
$15 per 16GB drive
Master video files (.AVI)
OR Online viewing/download
(Free with MP4 purchase)
MP4 files
OR Transfer to your personal hard drive
(Included with AVI or MP4 purchase)

Maybe your video camera from 20 years ago doesn’t work anymore or has eaten too many tapes for you to count. You may have dumped that old, dusty VCR years ago and can no longer play back your videotapes. You can trust us to keep your videotapes safe and transfer them to DVDs or digital media without any worry that they could be damaged further.

Video Editing

Whether you need to edit out scenes from a home video of your wedding reception or to edit out attorney colloquy from a video deposition, Discovery Media Productions can handle almost any type of source media for editing. We can accurately edit scenes to your specifications or add title slides or text and graphics to any video and provide the final video on DVD, iPad- or tablet-compatible MP4s, or any other specific file format.


What a great gift! — To convert family home movies to DVDs and have extra copies made for every member of the family to watch on their own. Whether it’s one extra DVD copy or 500, we can provide duplication for both CDs and DVDs with a fast turnaround, sometimes in as little as ten minutes. Each disc duplicated contains simple text printing directly on the disc and a clear case for safekeeping. Full-color disc printing, disc albums for disc sets, and other packaging materials are available for a small extra charge.

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