
Easily view, share, and download your old film reels before they fade and get too brittle to view. Each film reel is scanned in high definition, frame by frame, in a sprocket-less film scanner and either burned to DVD or exported as a full-frame Quicktime movie in SD (standard definition) or HD (high definition).

Available Formats

Film Product Delivery Method / Optional Services
SD transfer
$20/each 2-hour disc (approx. 1500 feet)
Flash drive transfer of digital files
$15 per 16GB drive
HD transfer (720p)
Master video files (.MOV)
OR Online viewing/download
(Free with MP4 purchase)
HD transfer (1080p)
MP4 files
OR Transfer to your personal hard drive
(Included with MOV or MP4 file purchase)
SD & HD transfer

No film projector?

No problem. Our film transfer process doesn’t use projectors or telecine methods. We only use state-of-the-art transfer systems where the film never comes in contact with any moving parts.

Ready to get started?