
Easily view, share, and download your audio recordings before your original tapes degrade or your records get scratched beyond repair. Have them converted to audio CDs, MP3 files, or uncompressed audio files before they get lost, broken, or become unplayable.

Available Formats

Audio Product Delivery Method / Optional Services
60 min. cassette transfer
Audio CD OR MP3 files
Flash drive transfer of digital files
$15 per 16GB drive
90 min. cassette transfer
BOTH Audio CD and MP3 files
$5/each tape of record
OR Online listening/download
Vinyl LP transfer
Audio restoration
Manual CD tracking
$10/tape or record

It’s not so easy anymore to play your old audio cassettes in your car or listen to out-of-print vinyl LPs on your smartphone. Get them converted now before it’s too late.

Ready to get started?